TRICARE For Life (TFL) Update

This is a special TROA TRICARE For Life (TFL) update for Thursday, June

21, 2001.

New TROA Service Offers Personalized TFL Information

Starting today, TROA is offering a new free service we call the TFL

Personal Profile, which provides specific TFL information tailored to the personal situation of a specific TFL beneficiary.

TROA already has put out lots of information on the new TFL benefits that will be coming to Medicare-eligibles enrolled in Medicare Part B, starting October 1. We’re especially proud of the 16-page brochure sent to every member with the most recent issue of The Retired Officer Magazine.

But there are lots of possible issues, and it’s easy to get "information overload" if you have to wade through lots of verbiage that doesn’t apply to you in hopes of finding the specifics that fit your personal situation.

We built the TFL Personal Profile to fill that need. Simply by completing a nine-item questionnaire, you can view a personal summary from TROA describing how TFL will work for you. You can print your TFL Personal Profile for handy reference, then have your spouse or friends complete the survey to see how TFL will apply to their circumstances.

There’s no catch. The service is free, and it’s available to all TFL

beneficiaries – TROA members or not. Your questionnaire answers are

confidential. Their only use is to provide you the TFL information you


Try TROA’s TFL Personal Profile for yourself at

We hope you’ll find it useful… and tell a friend.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to TROA’s legislative update, send a request to (Please include your TROA membership number if applicable, OR, your full name and address. Without this information we cannot process your request.) Any requests received after Wednesday will not be processed until the following week.

If you have questions regarding the update, please address them to .

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