Frank E. Sisson, MAJ, USAF-Ret, President

The Kansas Council of Chapters held its quarterly meeting at the Wichita Country Club, Wichita, Kansas, on Saturday, November 16, 2002. We had a good turnout with representatives from all seven Kansas Chapters. We also had four of our wives with us for lunch. Lunch was served by the club, and it was a great affair. We would like to see more wives joining us for lunch for Council meetings in the future!

Our most important issue for this meeting was election of new officers to the Kansas Council Board for the next two years. MG Jack Strukel, USA, has been elected President; Major Harry Malnicof, USMC, has been elected as President-Elect; Colonel Robert Hadley, USA, has been elected as Vice President. Colonel William Wunder, USA, will continue as Council Treasurer. Other positions will be appointed by the new President. In this regard, Col John Halladay, USA, has agreed to continue on as Council Secretary. Other Council members staying on are Colonel Hollis Logan, USAF, as Legislative Chair and CWO3 David Kennedy, USMC, as Public Relations Chair and Webmaster. Needless to say, all of the above gentlemen are retired from the military service shown.

As we all know, the name of the Council will change from "The Retired Officers Association," (TROA), to "Military Officers Association of America," (MOAA), after the first of the year. There will be a lot of work ahead for the Council with lobbying efforts for issues and new legislation at both State and National levels. There also will be work to do in helping the several Kansas Chapters to maintain and increase membership, by keeping all of us informed as often as possible about Council initiatives, and by attracting members from all Kansas Chapters to volunteer

for Council duties. We expect this new Board to be very active in these endeavors. If anyone out there wants to get involved with Council work, please let us know!

I would also like to cover an earlier Brunch Program on November 10th, held in Salina, Kansas. This was the initial meeting of the revitalized Smoky Hill Chapter under the leadership of new President Colonel Brian Weisel, USAF, and Vice President Captain Skip McAlexander, USN, both retired. The Smoky Hill Chapter meeting was a gala affair held at the Salina Country Club with a superb brunch with all the trimmings, including an assortment of tasty deserts. A number of those present were from the Kansas Council as well as from other Chapters. All of those attending were quite happy with the food and service at the club. Colonel Jim Pauls from National TROA Headquarters was the main speaker and he gave us a good report on what is going on in the Washington arena. He had interesting comments on the upcoming legislation related to expectations on concurrent receipt of disability pay and retired pay. He did not predict that it would carry completely, but thought it would provide a watered down version. This is what is happening on the hill currently. Colonel Pauls also had some words of advice on the newly named Military Officers Association of America. He felt that this change will be a boon to increased membership from the younger and active duty ranks. We all feel that we are making progress in building an organization that will promote legislation that will benefit both active and retired military personnel and their families. Colonel Pauls also encouraged us to include the Auxiliary members as candidates for Chapter Board duties, including executive positions!

Let us hear from you with any input you may have.

