NEW MEMBER: 1st LT Richard William Lind, former Army

1540 Alvamar Drive - Lawrence, Kansas 66047


Spouse: Karen

Jayhawk Chapter MOAA

Nominating Committee

The Jayhawk Chapter Board of Directors has appointed a Nominating Committee for 2004 Chapter Officers. The Committee membership includes: John Halladay, Jim Henry, Max Lucas, Jerry Nossaman and George Schaeffer.

Please contact any of these members if you have recommendations for the two (2) open Vice President openings and three (3) board vacancies.


OCTOBER 25, 2003

The activities will be held at the General Staff College,

Bell Hall, 1 Reynolds Ave, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.

0800 hrs Registration

0900 hrs Program

1000 hrs Health Awareness Fair

1300 hrs Conclusion

ID/Deers section will be open 1100 - 1400 hrs, Bldg 193

Bell Hall Food Court will be open from 1000 - 1400 hrs

Jayhawk and Santa Fe Trail Chapters will man informational/recruiting tables.

Additional details will be presented at the October dinner meeting.

From Senator Pat Roberts:

"In May, Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ) introduced S. 1035. The bill reduces the age for receipt of military retired pay for members of the reserve components from age 60 to 55. The bill was referred to Senate Armed Services Committee, on which

I sit, for further consideration. Additionally, Representative Jim Saxton (R-NJ) has introduced identical legislation, H.R. 742, in the House of Representatives. Hearings have not been scheduled on the bill in either the Senate or House."


Jayhawk MOAA Golf Outing:

09 October at Alvamar. Please contact John Halladay (843-6184) if you are interested in playing.